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Indian Goddesses - D

One of the six goddesses governing bodily functions; the others being Hakini, Kakini, Lakini, Rakini and Sakini.

A Hindu cow goddess who is closely connected to the dawn goddess Ushas.

Dala Kadavara
A Singhalese demoness who brings diseases and misfortune. Originally, Dala Kadavara was an elephant-goddess.

The Hindu goddess of the primordial waters.

A Hindu mother goddess. She is the consort of the mythical king Vasudeva, mother of Krishna and Balarama (born of hairs from the head of Vishnu which that god placed in her womb).

A Hindu goddess, one of the consorts of Skanda.

The Divine Mother of the Hindu culture. Her name means "goddess." She has many names and forms; such as the warrior Durgha, the bloodthirsty Kali or Parvati, mother of the elephant god Ganesha and the consort of Shiva (the god of generation and destruction).Devi is the goddess of creative power and represents all women in the universe. Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu, is another incarnation of Devi.

Devi is the "Mother Goddess," meaning she is the mother of all. In her hands she holds joy and pain, right hand; and life and death is held on her left hand. She is the goddess of nature and life because she brings rain and protects against disease; she is mild and loving. She is depicted with eight arms, only one wields a sword.

As the mother of death, she is terrible. When she is fighting against evil, she is usually mounted on a lion or a tiger. Devi is the warrior Durgha when she is the mother of death; a twelve-armed warrior goddess, created by Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva to slay Mahishasura, the shape-shifting monster who menaced the universe. She rode a lion into the fray and was victorious.

Devi is in all the women's soul and she can also turn into the religious Uma. Devi's diagram is called her mansions. In the middle of her forehead, she has a Bindu (drop or dot) which in some ways seems to be masculine.

Another Hindu goddess of misfortune, a malevolent nakshatra. She is a daughter of Daksha and consort of Chandra (Soma).

A Hindu goddess of minor importance, an avatara of the goddess Lakshmi and consort of Parasurama.

Dharti Mata
A Hindu mother goddess who first appears in the Puranic texts.

A Hindu goddess of prosperity. She appears in the Vedas.

A Hindu goddess. She is one of the ten mahavidyas personifying the Sakti of Shiva.

A Hindu goddess, consort of Yama.

A Hindu demonic goddess.

An Indian goddess. Many mythographers see Aditi as the endless sky; Diti as the earth. Both apparently come from a non-Aryan source of Hindu mythology, for their children, though recognized as supernatural, were never part of the official pantheon. Diti's children were asuras, non-gods. They were powerful beings, especially the warrior Maruts, who might have conquered the gods. Diti, whose earlier children Indra had killed, practiced magic when pregnant again. So threatened was Indra that he watched her constantly. When Diti fell into a doze, Indra entered her vagina, traveled to her womb, and dismembered the fetus. Even cut to pieces, the fetus was so powerful that it reformed into forty-nine separate warriors.

A Hindu heroine of the Mahabharata, she was a polyandrous woman who slept in turn with each of her five husbands, who were all brothers.

(Durga Jagadhatri) Great warrior Goddess from India. The Puranic texts say that when the other gods could no longer fight the asuras (demons), they called Durga from her mountain home to help. She came, golden like the sun, with her tigers, and vanquished the asuras who symbolized oppression and ignorance.

Durga offers a sacred gesture of protection to all mothers and children as she guards them from the elephant demon Mahisa. Riding upon a lion and wielding a weapon in each of her ten arms, the Hindu warrior goddess Durga calmly defeats the buffalo demon. He symbolizes the egoistic illusions of maya (everyday reality) which delude us and keep us from knowing our innate divinity. In Hindu mythology and religion, a malignant form of Devi, the inaccessible, represented by a yellow woman riding a tiger. Also Kali or Parvati. She is the consort of Shiva.

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